Congratulations to Vivian A. Fonseca, MD, FRCP, for being named as Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the School of Medicine.
Dr. Fonseca’s personal research interests include the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications and risk factor reduction in cardiovascular disease, particularly on the role of inflammation and other novel risk factors. He has been an investigator in several NIH and industry funded clinical trials including the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD/ACCORDION) study and TINSAL–T2D trial. He is the co–PI of the Louisiana Clinical Data Research Network (LACDRN), funded by PCORI/PCORNET and serves on the PCORNET Clinical Trials Task Force and is an investigator in several current trials including the NIH funded TACT2 trial. He has published over 400 papers and articles and edited the text book “Clinical Diabetes: Translating Research into Practice” . He serves on several steering and ancillary study committees and data safety monitoring boards.
In his role as Assistant Dean for Clinical Research, Dr. Fonseca has been charged with development and growth of clinical research at the School of Medicine. This effort will include mentoring and training faculty, working with hospital systems, industry and IRB, etc. to facilitate clinical and translational research.